home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- !! Magic flag to detect improper installation
- *caseSchemesLoaded: true
- #ifdef USE_FONTS
- !!
- !! Fonts
- !!
- !! all labels should be bold
- *ticMarks*fontList: BoldLabelFont
- *SgList*fontList: PlainLabelFont
- !!
- !! Data Browser special fonts
- !!
- !! type name and popup menus
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*area*fontList: SmallObliqueLabelFont
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*resultFormatPopupMenu*fontList: SmallObliqueLabelFont
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*popupMenu*fontList: SmallObliqueLabelFont
- !! expression name
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*nameFont: SmallBoldLabelFont
- !! structure fields
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*area*dbStructure*fontList: SmallFixedWidthFont
- !!
- !! Cvstatic, mPView, ArraySpreadSheet, and Cvperf special fonts
- !!
- !! these need to be constant width because they form columns
- Cvstatic*text_view*XmList.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvstatic*text_view*SgList.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvstatic*text_view.label.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvperf*topNlist.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvperf*functionListLabel.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvperf*SgIconGadget.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvprocvu*framesW.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvprocvu*callstackHeader.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvstatic*SgIconGadget.fontList: SmallPlainLabelFont
- Cvmp*mPView*listHeader.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvmp*mPView*list.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvarray*arraySpreadsheet*cell.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvmachine*addressLabel.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- !! Fix the tear off menu font problem where new items added to the
- !! cvstatic history list get the button font
- Cvstatic*TransientShell.XmRowColumn.XmPushButtonGadget.fontList: ObliqueLabelFont
- !!
- !! Register view special fonts
- !!
- !! needs to be constant width to compare hex values
- Cvmachine*registerView*value.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- !!
- !! SourceView special font
- !!
- *perfLabel.fontList: TinyBoldLabelFont
- *canvasLabel.fontList: TinyBoldLabelFont
- *sourceView*showButton.fontList: SmallPlainLabelFont
- !!
- !! Cvhelp special font: Needs to be narrower than a fixed width
- !! font so that non-Showcase cards will
- !! fit into the same width as Showcase cards
- !!
- Cvhelp*textSW*fontList: PlainLabelFont
- Cvhelp*textFixedSW*fontList: FixedWidthFont
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Fonts for WorkShopMP -- cvpav
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Cvpav*funcList.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvpav*loopList.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvpav*loopListLabel.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvpav*loopListPerfLabel.fontList: PlainLabelFont
- Cvpav*loopListStatusLabel.fontList: PlainLabelFont
- Cvpav*dataTextWidget.fontList: PlainLabelFont
- Cvpav*popup_optionMenu*fontList: SmallObliqueLabelFont
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Fonts for WorkShop/Tester -- cvxcov
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Cvxcov*XmList.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvxcov*SgList.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvxcov*listOfHeaders.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvxcov*typeValueLabel.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvxcov*sizeLabel.fontList: FixedWidthFont
- Cvxcov*incLabel.fontList: SmallFixedWidthFont
- Cvxcov*exLabel.fontList: SmallFixedWidthFont
- Cvxcov*ncLabel.fontList: SmallFixedWidthFont
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_SPACING
- !! account for sgiMode when drawing scrolled window for SourceView
- #ifdef SGI_MODE
- *sourceView*textEditSW.scrolledWindowMarginHeight: 0
- *sourceView*textEditSW.spacing: 0
- *sourceView*textEdit.shadowThickness: 1
- #endif
- !!
- !! Spacing stuff
- !!
- !! we don't really want fat buttons on control panel
- *controlPanel*XmPushButton.marginHeight: 2
- *controlPanel*XmPushButton.marginWidth: 2
- !! move the text in lists slightly right to improve legibility
- *SgList*listMarginWidth: 3
- !! spacing between scrollbars and clients should be 2 pixels
- Cvmain*callStack*XmScrolledWindow*spacing: 2
- !! Cvmain*expressionView*exprChart*XmScrolledWindow*spacing: -4
- !! Cvmain*varBrowser*exprChart*XmScrolledWindow*spacing: -4
- !! Cvmachine*registerView*exprChart*XmScrolledWindow.spacing: -4
- !! *cvstruct*dbStructure*XmScrolledWindow.spacing: -4
- !! *dataBrowser*area*dbStructure*form*structure*scroll.spacing: -4
- !! Cvhelp*showcaseScrolledArea*spacing: -4
- !! for some bizarre reason, setting the SourceView scrollBar to 20
- !! yields 10 pixels across the top of the thumb where the
- !! ExpressionView and the CallStack need 18 to get the same thing
- *expressionView*XmScrollBar*width: 18
- *sourceView*XmScrollBar*width: 20
- !! Match SgScrollBar default width and height with Base specs for
- !! XmScrollBar
- *SgScrollBar.width: 18
- *SgScrollBar.height: 18
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_COLORS
- !! toggle lists should not be button colored but list colored (shows up
- !! in sgiMode but doesn't hurt to set it all the time)
- *toggleColumns.XmToggleButtonGadget.background: ScrolledListBackground
- !! array cells should not be button colored but background colored
- *cells*XmPushButtonGadget.background: BasicBackground
- !! sourceView has it's own text background because the color selected
- !! for text fields in some schemes may to be too intense
- !! for SourceView's larger area
- *sourceView*textEdit.background: TextBackground
- !! canvases should not be colored as drawing areas
- *sourceView*drawArea.background: BasicBackground
- *canvasArea.background: BasicBackground
- !! all SourceView icon outlines should be the same as the text foreground
- *pixmap*background: TextForeground
- !! need to set the foreground of highlighted text so
- !! that black&white scheme will work
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightForeground: HighlightForeground
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor1: TrapColor
- *sourceView*stop*pixmap*foreground: TrapColor
- *sourceView*stop*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarTrapColor
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor6: InactiveTrapColor
- *sourceView*inactiveStop*pixmap*foreground: TrapColor
- *sourceView*inactiveStop*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarInactiveTrapColor
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor2: ProgramCounterColor
- *sourceView*pc*pixmap*foreground: ProgramCounterColor
- *sourceView*pc*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarProgramCounterColor
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor3: SearchColor
- *sourceView*search*pixmap*foreground: SearchColor
- *sourceView*search*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarSearchColor
- *sourceView*primary*pixmap*foreground: SearchColor
- *sourceView*primary*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarSearchColor
- *sourceView*secondary*pixmap*foreground: CallstackContext
- *sourceView*secondary*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarCallstackContext
- *sourceView*perf*pixmap*foreground: SearchColor
- *sourceView*perf*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarSearchColor
- *sourceView*sample*pixmap*foreground: TrapColor
- *sourceView*sample*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarTrapColor
- *sourceView*inactiveSample*pixmap*foreground: InactiveTrapColor
- *sourceView*inactiveSample*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarTrapColor
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor5: CallstackContext
- *sourceView*context*pixmap*foreground: CallstackContext
- *sourceView*context*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarCallstackContext
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor7: SyntaxWarningColor
- *sourceView*bbwarning*pixmap*foreground: SyntaxWarningColor
- *sourceView*bbwarning*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarWarningColor
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor4: SyntaxErrorColor
- *sourceView*bberror*pixmap*foreground: SyntaxErrorColor
- *sourceView*bberror*scrollBarColor: ScrollBarErrorColor
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor9: SessionColor1
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor10: SessionColor2
- *sourceView*textEdit.highlightColor11: SessionColor3
- *sourceView*intpExtentEditable*scrollBarColor: SessionColor1
- *sourceView*intpExtentParsed*scrollBarColor: SessionColor2
- *sourceView*intpExtentCompiled*scrollBarColor: SessionColor3
- *sourceView*instruct*swatchColor: HighlightColor1
- *sourceView*instruct*scrollBarColor: HighlightColor1
- *sourceView*percentInstruct*swatchColor: HighlightColor2
- *sourceView*percentInstruct*scrollBarColor: HighlightColor2
- *sourceView*callCount*swatchColor: HighlightColor3
- *sourceView*callCount*scrollBarColor: HighlightColor3
- *sourceView*percentPCHits*swatchColor: HighlightColor4
- *sourceView*percentPCHits*scrollBarColor: HighlightColor4
- *sourceView*loads*swatchColor: HighlightColor5
- *sourceView*loads*scrollBarColor: HighlightColor5
- *sourceView*stores*swatchColor: HighlightColor6
- *sourceView*stores*scrollBarColor: HighlightColor6
- *sourceView*FPopts*swatchColor: HighlightColor7
- *sourceView*FPopts*scrollBarColor: HighlightColor7
- !!
- !! debugger views access to SourceView colors
- !!
- *currentPCbackground: ProgramCounterColor
- *currentContextBackground: CallstackContext
- *currentHighlightForeground: TextForeground
- !!
- !! Stripchart resources
- !!
- #ifndef GAMMA_1_0
- #define ChartColor1 #282768
- #define ChartColor2 #842f2a
- #define ChartColor3 #004200
- #define ChartColor4 #ffff00
- #define ChartColor5 #ff0000
- #define ChartColor6 #0000ff
- #define ChartColor7 #00ff00
- #define ChartColor8 #7307e6
- #define ChartColor9 #ff7900
- #define ChartColor10 #00ffff
- #define ChartColor11 #ff00ff
- #define ChartColor12 #20441f
- #else
- #define ChartColor1 #565597
- #define ChartColor2 #ad5f59
- #define ChartColor3 #037303
- #define ChartColor4 #ffff00
- #define ChartColor5 #ff0000
- #define ChartColor6 #0000ff
- #define ChartColor7 #00ff00
- #define ChartColor8 #7307e6
- #define ChartColor9 #ff7900
- #define ChartColor10 #00ffff
- #define ChartColor11 #ff00ff
- #define ChartColor12 #4b754a
- #endif
- *charts.color0: ChartColor1
- *charts.color1: ChartColor2
- *charts.color2: ChartColor3
- *charts.color3: ChartColor4
- *charts.color4: ChartColor5
- *charts.color5: ChartColor6
- *charts.color6: ChartColor7
- *charts.color7: ChartColor8
- *charts.color8: ChartColor9
- *charts.color9: ChartColor10
- *charts.color10: ChartColor11
- *charts.color11: ChartColor12
- *charts.chartBackground: DrawingAreaBackground
- *charts.gridColor: TextForeground
- Cvprocvu*stripchart.background: DrawingAreaBackground
- !!
- !! resources to make stripcharts and heapview work in B&W
- !!
- *fillStyle: ChartFillStyle
- *fillTile0: 25_foreground
- *fillTile1: slant_right
- *fillTile2: 50_foreground
- *fillTile3: slant_left
- *fillTile4: 25_foreground
- *fillTile5: slant_right
- *fillTile6: 50_foreground
- *fillTile7: slant_left
- *fillTile8: 25_foreground
- *fillTile9: slant_right
- *fillTile10: 50_foreground
- *fillTile11: slant_left
- *charts*lineStyle0: ChartLineStyle0
- *charts*lineStyle1: ChartLineStyle1
- *charts*lineStyle2: ChartLineStyle2
- *charts*lineStyle3: ChartLineStyle3
- *charts*lineStyle4: ChartLineStyle0
- *charts*lineStyle5: ChartLineStyle1
- *charts*lineStyle6: ChartLineStyle2
- *charts*lineStyle7: ChartLineStyle3
- *charts*lineStyle8: ChartLineStyle0
- *charts*lineStyle9: ChartLineStyle1
- *charts*lineStyle10: ChartLineStyle2
- *charts*lineStyle11: ChartLineStyle3
- ! Cvperf colors
- Cvperf*targetColor: DrawingAreaNodeColor1
- Cvperf*sourceColor: DrawingAreaNodeColor2
- ! Registration Point (Trap) Colors
- *registrationPoint1.foreground: HighlightColor1
- *registrationPoint2.foreground: HighlightColor2
- *registrationPoint3.foreground: HighlightColor3
- *registrationPoint4.foreground: HighlightColor4
- *registrationPoint5.foreground: HighlightColor5
- *registrationPoint6.foreground: HighlightColor6
- *registrationPoint7.foreground: HighlightColor7
- *registrationPoint8.foreground: HighlightColor8
- !! TimeLine resources
- *LocalCaliperDrawingArea.background: TimeLineBackground
- *GlobalCaliperDrawingArea.background: TimeLineBackground
- *ScaleDrawingArea.background: TimeLineBackground
- *CaliperDrawingArea.background: TimeLineBackground
- *ticMarks.foreground: TextForeground
- *arrowHighlight.foreground: TextForeground
- *newCaliper.foreground: TextForeground
- *oldCaliper.foreground: ButtonBackground
- !! Help colors
- !!
- Cvhelp*currentColor: HighlightColor1
- Cvhelp*viewerColor: HighlightColor2
- Cvhelp*constraintColor: HighlightColor4
- Cvhelp*XmGraph*XmDrawingArea.background: ScrolledListBackground
- Cvhelp*XmGraph*XmScrolledWindowClipWindow.background: ScrolledListBackground
- Cvhelp*XmGraph*highlightColor: TextForeground
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*XmDrawingArea.background: DrawingAreaBackground
- !! covers the case where drawing area is smaller than the scrolled window
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*sw.ScrolledWindowClipWindow.background: DrawingAreaBackground
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*structure*scroll.ScrolledWindowClipWindow.background: BasicBackground
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*highlightColor: TextForeground
- Cvstruct**outlineColor: TextForeground
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*typeColor1: HighlightColor1
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*typeColor2: HighlightColor2
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*typeColor3: HighlightColor3
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*typeColor4: HighlightColor4
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*typeColor5: HighlightColor5
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*typeColor6: HighlightColor6
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*typeColor7: HighlightColor7
- Cvstruct*dataBrowser*typeColor8: HighlightColor8
- !! highlight for suspect register values
- Cvmachine*registerView*changedBackground: DrawingAreaNodeColor1
- Cvmachine*registerView*changedForeground: TextForeground
- !! Cvstatic node colors
- *targetColor: DrawingAreaNodeColor1
- *resultColor: DrawingAreaNodeColor2
- Cvstatic*SgGraph*highlightColor: DrawingAreaContrastColor1
- !! Cvheapvu special colors
- Cvheapvu*maparea*mallocColor: DrawingAreaContrastColor1
- Cvheapvu*maparea*mallocScrollBarColor: ScrollBarColor1
- Cvheapvu*maparea*freeColor: DrawingAreaContrastColor3
- Cvheapvu*maparea*reallocColor: DrawingAreaContrastColor2
- Cvheapvu*maparea*reallocScrollBarColor: ScrollBarColor2
- Cvheapvu*maparea*badFreeColor: TrapColor
- Cvheapvu*maparea*badFreeScrollBarColor: ScrollBarTrapColor
- Cvheapvu*maparea*borderColor: BasicBackground
- Cvheapvu*maparea*highlightColor: HighlightColor3
- !! Cvbuild node colors
- *buildGraph*sourceBackground: SourceBackground
- *buildGraph*modifiedColor: ModifiedBackground
- *buildGraph*derivedBackground: DerivedBackground
- *buildGraph*obsoleteColor: ObsoleteColor
- ! error and checkmark icon colors
- *buildLog*errorColor: ScrollBarErrorColor
- *buildLog*checkColor: CheckMarkColor
- !! Cvbuild graph node highlighting
- !!
- Cvbuild*XmGraph*highlightThickness: 1
- !!
- !! Cvstatic (C++ Browser) class graph arc colors for following relations
- !! among classes: inheritance, interaction, components and friends
- !!
- !! added by Ravi on Thu Jan 7 10:01:03 PST 1993
- !!
- Cvstatic*inheritance.foreground: HighlightColor1
- Cvstatic*interaction.foreground: HighlightColor2
- Cvstatic*components.foreground: HighlightColor3
- Cvstatic*friends.foreground: HighlightColor4
- !!
- !! Cvstatic (C++ Browser) class view highlight colors
- !!
- !! added by Ravi on Fri Oct 22 13:00:30 PDT 1993
- !!
- Cvstatic*browserHighlight: SearchColor
- Cvstatic*browserScrollBarHighlight: ScrollBarSearchColor
- !!
- !! fixes for drawing areas that shouldn't be colored as drawing areas
- !!
- *pane.chartArea.ScrolledWindowClipWindow.background: BasicBackground
- *pane.chartArea.ScrolledWindowClipWindow.charts.UserSysTime.blankVertical.background: BasicBackground
- *processUsage*ScrolledWindowClipWindow.background: BasicBackground
- *sysUsage*ScrolledWindowClipWindow.background: BasicBackground
- *graphUsage*ScrolledWindowClipWindow.background: BasicBackground
- *pane*charts*blankVertical.background: BasicBackground
- !! round button icons
- !*continueOrStopButton*activeHighlightColor: green
- !*continueOrStopButton*inactiveHighlightColor: green
- !*continueOrStopButton*altActiveHighlightColor: red
- !*continueOrStopButton*altInactiveHighlightColor: red
- !! session colors for menubars
- !! WARNING: these no longer match up because SessionColor2 became
- !! SessionColor1 and the next two session colors (2 and 3) became
- !! 3 and 4. Therefore, CaseVision's sessionColor1 is now linked
- !! to the previous session color 1 (now 4) as defined
- !! in the CaseVision pallette.
- *sessionColor1: BasicBackground
- *sessionColor2: SessionColor1
- *sessionColor3: SessionColor2
- *sessionColor4: SessionColor3
- *sessionColor5: SessionColor5
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Colors for WorkShopMP -- cvpav
- ! the colors used are SourceView names, as they should match
- ! with the attached sourceviews
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Cvpav*parallelColor: HighlightColor2
- Cvpav*serialColor: HighlightColor8
- Cvpav*unparallelColor: HighlightColor1
- Cvpav*oloopColor: ScrollBarCallstackContext
- Cvpav*tloopColor: HighlightColor3
- *drawArea*parallelColor: HighlightColor2
- *drawArea*serialColor: HighlightColor8
- *drawArea*unparallelColor: HighlightColor1
- *drawArea*oloopColor: ScrollBarCallstackContext
- *drawArea*tloopColor: HighlightColor3
- *canvasArea*parallelColor: HighlightColor2
- *canvasArea*serialColor: HighlightColor8
- *canvasArea*unparallelColor: HighlightColor1
- *canvasArea*oloopColor: ScrollBarCallstackContext
- *canvasArea*tloopColor: HighlightColor3
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Colors for WorkShop/Tester -- cvxcov
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Cvxcov*includeNodeColor: DrawingAreaNodeColor1
- Cvxcov*excludeNodeColor: BasicBackground
- Cvxcov*zeroCountNodeColor: DrawingAreaNodeColor2
- Cvxcov*zeroCountArcColor: ScrollBarColor2
- Cvxcov*listHighlightColor: SessionColor2
- Cvxcov*textHighlightColor: ScrollBarTrapColor
- Cvxcov*dataHighlightColor: ScrollBarTroughColor
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! Colors for Interpreter
- ! these are same as that of cvmake
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- *_prv_list*errorColor: ScrollBarErrorColor
- *_prv_list*checkColor: CheckMarkColor
- #endif